Trump Strips Security Clearances of Employees at Perkins Coie, the DNC Law Firm Linked to Hillary Clinton and Bogus Russia Dossier (VIDEO)

President Trump on Thursday stripped security clearances of the employees at DNC law firm Perkins Coie.
Recall that Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid law firm Perkins Coie more than $1 million to hire oppo research firm Fusion GPS to peddle the bogus ‘Trump-Russia’ dossier during the 2016 election.
Former British spy Christopher Steele compiled over a dozen memos alleging the Russians had blackmail on Trump and that his associates were conspiring with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election.
The memos were made into a largely debunked dossier that was eventually published by BuzzFeed on January 10, 2017.
Perkins Coie and Hillary Clinton were behind the hoax.
In 2022, the FEC fined Clinton and said her campaign violated the rules because they failed to disclose payments funneled to Fusion GPS through DNC law firm Perkins Coie.
Hillary Clinton got a light slap on the wrist for her crimes.
President Trump said it’s an honor to sign the executive order stripping security clearances of the employees at Perkins Coie.